
George Rosello's Personal Website

My Personal Website

Hello, my name is George Rosello, and I am creating this site to test my website creating abilities.

The reason why I chose the domain name 1rosello is that most of the usable variations of the COM domains were already registered, so I looked for what I considered the  best alternative and keeping my domain name as short as possible.

Please feel free to check the links to see some of my other sites as follows:

Website Portfolio

Silverlight Lucerne Website

Binary Data Stored Inside SQL Database

In the future I will be adding more implementations of this website so check again from time to time.

Choosing a Domain Name

Domain names should be as short as possible.

Many people when picking a domain name will use a long name that can be complicated when entering same in the address bar.

Would you rather have a telephone number with too many digits, or only a few?